Notable Research Results

2002 National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The NIH published a report titled “Broad Spectrum Antiviral Effectiveness of Humates”. The NIH studied humic acid’s virus-fighting properties for viral diseases such as gastroenteritis, influenza, herpes, chicken pox, mononucleosis and hemorrhaging fevers caused by the Ebola and Hanta viruses. Results showed that humic acid, when consumed before the virus invaded the body, was effective in presenting disease. Tests performed against multiple virus types further confirmed humic acids broad anti-viral properties. Toxicity tests showed that humic acid bound itself to human cells but was not itself toxic, nor did it inhibit or interfere with cell development or reproduction.

1991 Biological Sciences, Moscow

After an extensive study on humic acid conducted in Moscow, researchers concluded that pharmaco-biological tests proved humic acid was effective in warding off a host of diseases because humic acid raised the body’s immunity fighting functions. The study also reinforced other findings that showed humic acid was harmless to humans when ingested or applied topically, and did not result in any allergies or adverse reactions.

Researchers also explored the effects of large doses of humic acid on the liver and found that humic acid could prevent hepatitis, but recommended a more detailed, liver-specific study.

“Medical studies show that difficult respiratory illnesses common in children are readily resolved with humic acid dietary supplementation. Humic acid is found in rich organic soil and also certain ancient plant deposits. Humic acid has the power to protect against cancer and the elated cancer-causing viruses. Studies often show reversal of deadly cancers and tumors using special humic substance therapies.”

– R. Klocking and M. Sprossig: Experientia, 1972.

Several clinical studies have been carried out where varying doses of humic acid were administered to small focus groups of HIV+ patients in multiple countries. The results of these studies were very encouraging. Here are some of the results:

2003 HIV+ Study in USA

Test Subjects: three HIV+ Caucasian adults, ages 20 – 40 years

Dosage: 1 tablet humic acid, three times daily

Results: viral load dropped from 12,000 – 15,000 to almost zero within one month

2003 HIV+ Study in Taiwan

Test Subjects: three HIV+ Taiwanese adults, ages 30 – 40 years

Dosage: 1 tablet humic acid, four times daily

Results: viral load dropped from 16,000 – 20,000 to almost zero within two months

2003 HIV+ Study in Nigeria

Test Subjects: three HIV+ African adults, ages 20 – 30 years

Dosage: 1 tablet humic acid, four times daily

Results: viral load dropped from 15,000 – 18,000 to almost zero within two months